The calendar

The calendar part of qOrganizer has a calendar which selects the day, a schedule table,a journal textfield and a search field. You can set a time in the schedule in which you will be reminded on that day about the event.
The journal supports images, you just open konqueror (or explorer on windows), or any other file browser, and just drag and drop the image file onto the journal.It will be loaded and displayed.
You can search for words or phrases by typing them into the search field.It will search all your schedules and journals for an entry. You can navigate through them using the Next and Previous buttons.
When you type a clear button will appear inside the search field, if you click it the field will be cleared and the date in the calendar will be set back to the current date.
You can select text in the journal and if you change the current font the font of the text will be changed.
The To-do list

The to-do list is easy to figure out, you create new tasks and complete the fields in the table.
-The Start field: the date when the task was started or assigned.
-The Task field: contains the name and description of the task.
-The Deadline field: contains the date when the task needs to be finished.
-The Priority field: is a number assigned to the task in function of it's importance, the higher the number, higher the importance.It can be used to sort through tasks.
-The Completed field: expresses the amount in which the task is finished in percentage.You can set a number by double clicking the progress bar, when the data is submitted the amount will be displayed on the progess bar.
The Timetable

New days can be added or deleted(rows too). You have the possibility to have different content depending on the oddness of the week index. (Week nr. 36 is even, 37 is odd, but this can be reversed in the settings).
If different timetables for odd and even weeks is enabled then it will automatically switch to the timetable for the current week(it detects if it's odd or even and loads the corresponding content).
The Booklet

Displays student marks and absences in two tables. New subjects can be added or deleted, the two tables always have the same number of rows.
The absence table contains dates when the student was absent from a class of a subject.
The mark table contains the marks of every subject.Averages are calculated on the fly.
The average of the currently selected subject is displayed in the Subject average field. The total average is calculated by calculating the averages of every subject, adding them and dividing the result with the number of subjects. An option can be enabled in the Settings dialog to round every subject average and add them that way. As an example: if you have the average of 3,5 at Math, if Round subject averages when calculating total average is enabled then it will be rounded to 4 when calculating the total average.
Dates can be assigned to every mark, if no date is assigned the current date is shown.

By pressing the Print button or selecting it from the menu the currently active component of qOrganizer will be printed.
The Settings dialog

-The General tab:
-Path to data folder:contains the directory in which the folder .qOrganizer (which contains data and settings) will be saved. If this option is changed qOrganizer loads or creates the appropiate settings and data from the folder which is set.
-Autosave: if this feature is enabled qOrganizer will save the content of every object when it looses focus (another object is clicked, the application is minimized, reduced to systray etc).If you disable it a new icon will be displayed on the toolbar so you can save manually.
-Language: this is where you can select the language in which the text of the program is displayed.
Note that the language will only be changed if you exit and restart qOrganizer.
-Reload data on view change: qOrganizer will re-read the data files when cycling through the components of the program or restoring it from systray(or the taskbar).This is usefull if you share the same data files on a network, in this case it's advised to turn Autosave off.
-Hide to system tray on close: if this option is enabled the program will be reduced to the system tray if the window is closed otherwise the program will exit on window close.
-Use different timetable for even and odd weeks: if this is enabled the combo box to switch between even and odd weeks will appear in the timetable, therefore you can have two timetables one for even weeks and one for odd weeks.
-Reverse normal order of weeks for timetable:if this option is enabled qOrganizer will treat even weeks (example: week number 36) as odd and odd weeks as even.
-Round subject averages when calculating total average: if this option is enabled then the subject averages will be rounded when calculating the total average( 3,5 will be rounded to 4) in the mark table of the booklet.
-Show saving buttons on toolbar: if this option is enabled the saving buttons for the other two storing modes (besides the currently used one) will be displayed on the toolbar so you can save data into those.
-The Calendar tab:
-Reminder check interval: this is the interval expressed in milliseconds of which the program will check if a time for a reminder has already passed.The bigger the value the lower the CPU usage but reminders could be triggered late.The default and advised value is 20000 (20 seconds).
-First day of the week: this sets the first day of the week in the calendar
-Date format: the format in which the date is displayed. dddd is the name of the day (ex: Monday),MMMM is the name of the month(ex:October) d. is the day part of the date (ex: 27 th), and yyyy is the year.
-Remind type: this sets the reminder type to eighter a dialog box or a system baloon at the system tray.
-Row number for empty schedule: contains the number of rows automatically added to days with empty schedules.If you want to set the schedule for October 27. then you will get this number of empty rows automatically if the schedule was empty. You can delete them later the number will be remembered (for that day).The default is 4.
-Play sound on remind:if this is enabled qOrganizer will play a sound when a reminder is triggered along with the reminder dialog box or baloon with the name of the event.
-The FTP tab:
-Synchronize with ftp server : enables FTP synchronization and makes the Upload and Download icons appear on the toolbar.
-Host: the domain or ip address of the FTP server.
-Port: the port on which the remote FTP server is running.(21 by default)
-Username: the username to connect with.
-Password: the password which we need to use
-Path on ftp server: the relative path to the folder where the program can upload it's .qOrganizer folder.
Note:Please don't use any important FTP server because the password is stored in plain text on the local machine, if you are not sure about the safety of your computer then please choose an unimportant FTP account.
-The Storing tab:
-Store data in:
*Text files: store all data in multiple text file within the .qOrganizer folder.This is the fastest mode to store data, and the most tested one, simplistic though.
*SQLite Database:store all data in a single SQLite database file named qorganizer.db in .qOrganizer.This can be slow on windows with Autosave enabled.
*MySQL database:store data using a remote MySQL server.
-Host: the domain or ip address of the MySQL server.
-Port: the port on which the remote MySQL server is running.3306 by default.
-Username: the username which to connect with.It is best to create a new user for qOrganizer and give priviledges only over the qOrganizer database.It is not advised at all to use root, since again the password is stored in plain text on the local machine.
-Password: the password which it will use when connecting.
-Database name: the name of the database it will create.
If you change the storing mode, the data stored in the new one will be automatically loaded when you press the ok button.
Saving between storing modes

You have the possibility to save between different storing modes so you can use (example) an SQLite database file but always save to text files too as a backup, or to update the database on the MySQL server.
If you have all data stored in text files, and want to save it all to MySQL or SQLite databases you need to click through all the days in your callendar and manually save them by pushing the buttons on the toolbar or using the keyboard combinations:
Ctrl + M for saving to MySQL database, Ctrl + T for saving to text files or Ctrl + D for saving to SQLite database.